Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another beginning, and another welcome

My name is Steve, and I am the stay-at-home dad of a five-month-old girl who nearly died on her way into this world.

That was how I started my Parenthood Journey, and a little later, I will tell the story of that day as part of this blog. I am really happy that Lauren asked me to help her start this blog, because so much of what we do as parents -- even the birth of our children -- feels like it occurs in a vacuum. Sure, we talk to our friends, consult with other parents and our pediatricians and read the recommended books. But when it comes to the birth and most every day after, we’re really on our own. At least, that’s how I feel sometimes. But I’ve learned that you don’t have to feel alone. Hopefully, this blog can serve as a resource for all those parents and would-be parents out there who have struggled or are struggling through the unplanned curves life throws at us.

In the coming weeks, I will be writing about my daughter’s birth and the struggles my wife and I have experienced before that day and since. It is my hope, and Lauren’s, that others will share their stories -- whether it’s about trying to get pregnant, the birth experience (traumatic and otherwise), miscarriages, or just about being a parent or wanting to be one or being scared of being one. This isn’t about exploitation; we want this to be a place where people can find a community of love, empathy and hope as they go through their Parenthood Journey.

The blog is one part of Park Hill United Methodist Church’s new ministry, and it will evolve to meet the needs of those we serve. Please feel free to write comments and make suggestions about how we can reach out to those in our church community (and beyond). And if you are interested in contributing your own story, contact Lauren or Steve. My email address is I look forward to working with Lauren, and I hope to hear from those of you out there who want to share your stories or from those simply seeking a community of support.

Steve Holz-Russell
Husband to Katie and Father to Eleanor (5 months)

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