Monday, November 26, 2012

Advent = Waiting

“As December begins, we turn to the Advent season, which is traditionally a season of waiting.  Waiting for the story of the Nativity to unfold.  Waiting with the prophets of centuries past for righteousness to arrive and redemption to appear.  Waiting with cousins, both expectant mothers--one older than usual, who bears a prophet, one younger than usual, who bears The Promise.  Waiting with shepherds and angels, scholars and innkeepers.  All of them waiting for The Promise to arrive.” Rev. Chris Barrett, pastor in South Carolina and divinity school friend.
I couldn’t have said it better myself.  I keep retelling the story of Christmas to my son so he knows – it’s not about Santa or about you.  It’s about Jesus – Jesus’ birthday and why God sent his son into the world.  Why?  To show us love, to be in relationship with us and most importantly to save us. But first, we have Advent - the time of waiting.  I was so excited for my son to arrive, that I pushed to have him early.  He didn’t look too thrilled with me once he arrived, but I made it happen.  I just couldn’t wait any longer!
For many of us, we have waited months, even years to have a child.  We have trusted in God and in our bodies to give us a precious child to love.  For some, the waiting seems to take an eternity.  It helps to pray – pray for pregnancy, but also pray for comfort, peace and patience.  It also helps to talk about the struggle of waiting with someone other than your spouse.  Friends can be helpful.  Someone through this new ministry can be helpful.  A psychologist who works with all things perinatal can be helpful.  I met a wonderful psychologist here in Denver who has supported many of family through the waiting.
We can also wait for our child to sleep through the night, walk, or talk.  Maybe you’re waiting for your child to be potty trained.  We all wait for a milestone to occur as we move on to more waiting.  Well, we are here to wait with you.  Whatever your advent is – we are here to wait right by your side.
As for The Advent time, we wait together for the baby Jesus who is the Incarnate Deity – God in Flesh.  We wait as we light the candles of Hope, Love, Peace and Joy.  I pray for hope, love, peace and joy in your household this Christmas.
Lauren Boyd 
Director of Programming and Membership at PHUMC
Partner to Candi and Mother to Miller who is 5

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